Gastrointestinal Diseases

Lab Doctor – Fort Lauderdale’s Most Affordable Blood Testing Center

 H.Pylori Breath Test Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative microaerophilic curved bacillus with an affinity for human gastric mucosa. H. pylori has been identified as an important pathogen in the upper GI tract. The casual relationship between H. pylori and chronic active gastritis, duodenal ulcers, and gastric ulcers has been well documented. BreathTek™ UBiT ® for H. pylori is a non-invasive, non-radioactive method for detecting urease activity associated with H. pylori infection. It is FDA approved to confirm cure and offers 95.2% sensitivity and 89.7% specificity compared with endoscopic methods. $99
OVA And Parasite Diseases caused by human parasites remain on a worldwide basis among the principle causes of morbidity and mortality. Correct diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infection depends on proper collection, transport, detection and identification of parasites in stool specimens. Symptoms range from malaise to death. Treatment is dependent upon examining multiple stool exams due to the erratic shed rates of some parasites. $49
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