Tell me about Chlamydia testing.
This urine test for Chlamydia is based on amplification of the DNA that is present in Chlamydia trachomatis. Molecular testing for Chlamydia trachomatis is currently the standard and is widely used. The advantage of molecular Chlamydia tests is that they are generally more sensitive and specific than conventional culture (swabbing) and can identify more positive specimens.
What kind of sample is required?
This Chlamydia test is a urine test. All you have to do is give an urine specimen at the Lab Doctor office. No embarrassing, uncomfortable exams, or undressing is necessary.
Any preparation?
Yes. Please do not urinate for at least 1 hour before going to the STD Test Center for accurate results.
What do I have to know about the results?
Chlamydia test results are either positive or negative. A positive result means that you have an infection and need to be treated. Dont worry, this is a very curable disease with antibiotics.
A negative test means that your symptoms may be caused by the number two cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States, Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is tested in the same way, and can also be cured with antibiotics.
A negative Chlamydia test result means there is no evidence of infection at the time of the test. If you have a positive result, it’s important to notify and treat any sexual partners who may have been exposed to the infection.
Why would I need a test for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea?
You may have signs of a discharge from your penis or vagina. You may have symptoms of burning with urination. You may have an abnormal odor from your urogenital region.
How do I get tested?
Submit a urine sample.
Do I need an examination to be tested?
No, an examination is not needed to screen yourself for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea.
Chlamydia (C. Trachomatis) infections are the leading cause of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. C. Trachomatis is known to cause cervicitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), infant conjunctivitis, infant pneumonia, urethritis, epididymitis and proctitis. It is also the most frequent cause of non-gonococcal urethritis in men.Among women, the consequences of chlamydial infections are severe if left untreated.Approximately half of chlamydial infections are asymptomatic.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae ( gonococci) is the causative agent of gonorrhea. In men, this disease generally results in anterior urethritis accompanied by purulent exudate.In women, the disease is most often found in the cervix, but the vagina and uterus may also be infected.
- Trachomatis, the number one cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States, is responsible for an estimated 3-4 million new cases annually. Infants born to women with chlamydial infection of the cervix are at risk acquiring an infection during vaginal birth. Gonococcal and chlamydial urethritis may coexist.Demonstrating the presence of N.Gonorrhoeae is important in initiating appropriate therapy to prevent the spread of infection.
You may become sterile if untreated.
You will infect your partners.
You will increase your risk for HIV if untreated.
Chlamydia trachomatis is associated with infections of the mucous membranes of the urogenital system, the upper respiratory tract, and the eye. in industrialized countries, c. trachomatis usually causes sexually transmitted disease. In developing countries, it is the major cause of preventable blindness (trachoma). The organism may cause urethritis, cervicitis, salpingitis, epididymitis or proctitis. Infections are often asymptomatic. Thus, infected individuals may unknowingly transmit chlamydial disease to others. Coinfection with C. Trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae is common, with multiple recurrences that may result in serious complications. Chlamydial infections of the upper respiratory tract occur primarily in newborns exposed at parturition through an infected birth canal. Approximately 10-20% of such infants develop pneumonia and 50% inclusion conjunctivitis. In adults, eye disease is often transmitted by the hands from genital secretions or from eye secretion of infected babies. Isolation in tissue culture recommended when testing individuals under the age of 13 years. (MMWR 1993; 42 (No. Rr-12). Bowie, w. R and K. K. Holmes. 1990. Chlamydia trachomatis (trachoma, perinatal infection, Lymphogranuloma venereum, and other genital infections), pp. 1426-1440. In: G. L. Mandell, et al. , (eds) principles and practice of infectious diseases, 3rd ed. , Churchill Livingstone, Inc. , NY)